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Give me your best joke!!!

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Do you have a nice joke to tell us?
asked Mar 23, 2016 in Any Old Thing by nunoclix ( 32,974 points)

8 Answers

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Best answer

A guy goes to the supermarket and notices an attractive woman waving at him. She says hello. He’s rather taken aback because he can’t place where he knows her from. So he says  Do you know me?" To which she replies, 

I think you’re the father of one of my kids.   Now his mind travels back to the only time he has ever been unfaithful to his wife and says,My God, are you the stripper from my bachelor party that I made love to on the pool table with all my buddies watching while your partner whipped my butt with wet celery?" She looks into his eyes and says calmly, No, I’m your son’s teacher

answered Mar 23, 2016 by jessicanc ( 27,488 points)
selected Mar 27, 2016 by nunoclix
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Many of the players I come up against

answered Mar 29, 2016 by homiej ( 13,614 points)
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2 elephants fall off a cliff

Boom Boom
answered Mar 27, 2016 by homiej ( 13,614 points)
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i started carrying a knife after a mugging attempt a few months ago ............. i'm much more successful now .
answered Mar 26, 2016 by merkin8r ( 19,910 points)
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a mother of 3 daughters is approached by her eldest one .'''mama ," she says "why am i named rose ?"the mother replies "when you were born , a rose petal fell on you're head." the second walks in , "mama , why am i called petunia" "when you were born , a petunia petal fell on you're head "replies the mum . then the youngest walks in and says "BLARGHL"  the mother sighsand replies , "good morning , Cinder Block."
answered Mar 26, 2016 by merkin8r ( 19,910 points)
edited Mar 27, 2016 by merkin8r
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A : knock, knock!
B : whos there?
A : i am Miss Woo
B : who?
A : thats me
answered Mar 26, 2016 by camui123 ( 20,983 points)
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what do you think of us all? bunches of clowns? ;-)
answered Mar 24, 2016 by camui123 ( 20,983 points)
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Q= haw do you find Will Smith in the snow ?........................................................................................................................................

A= you follow the fresh prince .................................................................. boom boom ......... hahahaha ........ lolololol ...............
answered Mar 23, 2016 by merkin8r ( 19,910 points)