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What will your Unrealistic New Years Resolution for 2016 be? Best answer will get 1,000 BCs!

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My boss Kamraladympr just called me and told me to get rid of some of my BCs.  I was told to ask anything I wanted, as long as it wasn't xxx-rated.  Well that just limited my questions.  Plus I like free food and drinks at her place especially if she is buying....  So what will your Unrealistic New Years Resolution for 2016 be?  The best answer will get 1,000 BCs!
asked Dec 27, 2015 in Any Old Thing by zbandette ( 51,742 points)
unrealistic would be to turn the time back, like 6 or 7 years ago...wish i could turn the time back so would not meet the person that makes life so hard, but its unrealistic couse then i would never had any of my kids , i love them more then life it self

5 Answers

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Best answer

Well this is easy.  To find a rich goodlooking soulmate,  have two cute kids  and acquire a neat red sports car.  Oh yes and be Queen for a day in NPP.  Kam, do your magic please.  Well yall asked. LOL  angelangeldevilyes

answered Dec 31, 2015 by xxYuMMyxx ( 9,165 points)
selected Dec 31, 2015 by zbandette
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to stop put'n zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz x 666 when southender takes 100 years to play a hand .........
answered Dec 28, 2015 by merkin8r ( 19,910 points)
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become king at npp tables n remain king through out the year
answered Dec 27, 2015 by chiptrouble ( 13,291 points)
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To stop picking on dani......That would be as unrealistic as for me to give up food wine sex etc etc etc
answered Dec 27, 2015 by actionjimbo ( 29,947 points)
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To get out of bed at 6 am each day something I havent done iin 31 yrs.
answered Dec 27, 2015 by seacrittur ( 34,970 points)