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Tell me about your best experience playing Poker.

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Me, its was playing 30.000 refer-a-a friend at NoPayPoker, won it twice already!
asked Jul 5, 2016 in Poker by nunoclix ( 32,974 points)

5 Answers

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Best answer
I have won the 30k ,holiday and others ,

But best for me was the camaraderie playing team games ,having teamates/friends cheering you on,

Playing not just for yourself but your teamates was a totally different and exciting  enjoyable pressure if you like..

And the trash talk off other teams was hilarious while showing respect too .And it seemed to bring everyone closer on  NPP.
answered Jul 6, 2016 by jessicanc ( 27,488 points)
selected Jul 20, 2016 by nunoclix
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Playing poker with Daniel Negreanu.
answered Aug 4, 2016 by scorsese ( 835 points)
That was great im sure.
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i have won 10 times, :D
answered Aug 4, 2016 by bhilingga123 ( 3,880 points)
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i played a private game, i think it was a Kam birthday, i was lucky to get  the bounty 6100ds and 500ds in the game,

in 30k  i was third

answered Jul 6, 2016 by JJMILAN ( 18,888 points)
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it's a 5k on the way to final. just me and scorsese. cuz we're friend, of course too many times flied and unbelievable chit chats. considering how long we play, we understand one of us should win. so, i play, like i always do at the end of the game, all in game. n betcha i won. and with 6-7 on my hand, i got straight cards!!! hehehe... thank you scorsese hun. it happened 2 years ago.
answered Jul 5, 2016 by camui123 ( 20,983 points)