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What Pro. poker player was credited for the term (a chip and a chair)?

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What Pro. poker player was credited for the term (a chip and a chair)?
asked Oct 14, 2015 in Trivia by Darkangel67 ( 11,732 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Jack "Treetop" Straus

He is also known for winning that event after being down to one chip earlier in the tournament, which gave meaning to the poker phrase "a chip and a chair". In addition, Straus is known for successfully pulling off one of the best bluffs in the history of poker.

answered Oct 14, 2015 by AceKilla ( 1,402 points)
selected Apr 17, 2016 by Darkangel67
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my be it was phill ( the poker brat ) hellmouth ...
answered Jan 13, 2016 by merkin8r ( 19,910 points)