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What should my New Years Resolution be for 2016? The best answer will get 1k BCs.

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I am having a hard time trying to come up with a New Years Resolution this year. So I will let you all give me some suggestions to ponder over.
What should my New Years Resolution be for 2016? The best answer will get 1k BCs.
asked Dec 27, 2015 in Any Old Thing by kamraladympr ( 31,912 points)
tough 1 , i could say do better at weight lost but tried lots of things already, like drinking detox tea...so new resolution would be more stronger in my mind and soul, wich easily to break by some circumstances,i would like to be more stronger for my kids that nothing can break me not even humans

5 Answers

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Best answer
It has to be to make dani work harder.Shes been slacking alot lately and needs to get motivated.Poor lady blue has had to pick up all the slack.
answered Dec 27, 2015 by actionjimbo ( 29,947 points)
selected Dec 31, 2015 by kamraladympr
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I believe a good Resolution would be try to be a better person than the last year, and like that every year. It's not easy in the practice because all have our own way of being, but at same time is a nice Resolution for everyone of us :-)
answered Dec 29, 2015 by rollon ( 11,325 points)
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Your New Year's resolution should be a two-parter the first part is to make me happy and to do that you  need to do the second part which is to make Lady_Blue work harder. Watching her work always brings a smile to my face.

answered Dec 27, 2015 by only1dani ( 30,314 points)
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to quit smoking cigaretts
answered Dec 27, 2015 by ashevillebelle ( 3,855 points)
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Be even kinder to people ( tough u r so kind already ) no matter what color thier toes are. Much 2016 LOVE from the seacritters home port.  Will never get underway  again without my wonderful Navy Wife by my side !!!

























answered Dec 27, 2015 by seacrittur ( 34,970 points)