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Christmas Tree Contest for 1k bcs to the Best CHARLIE BROWN tree in this post. There will be numerous posts, listed.

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Christmas Tree Contest for 1k bcs to the Best CHARLIE BROWN tree in this post. There will be numerous posts, listed. You can post your picture in the answer box, the directions on how is in this section/link....

I would like to see YOUR OWN trees also, no pictures from the internet please.  You do NOT have to be in the picture either.

Have fun and show us your christmas tree decorating skills, or lack of if your like me. LOL

asked Dec 10, 2015 in Any Old Thing by kamraladympr ( 31,912 points)
What is a "Charlie Brown Tree"?

1 Answer

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Best answer

My Charlie Brown Tree cool

answered Dec 25, 2015 by zbandette ( 51,742 points)
selected Dec 25, 2015 by kamraladympr