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If you had a chance to meet one of the players from NPP who would that be and why?

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1,243 views asked Oct 29, 2015 in Any Old Thing by fifty5056 ( 30,679 points)

7 Answers

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i would love to meet my texas friend dani.....she is one of a kind and to me as long as i have known her is like one of my kids.. she is a special girl ;) luv ya danners
answered Oct 30, 2015 by xxTaTTxx ( 2,186 points)
selected Oct 30, 2015 by fifty5056
agree with you tatts dani is a special girl who i think of like one of my kids:)
Hugsss n tyvm to both of you, love you both.
yup , a true yellow rose of texas  hugs dani
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quite a few come to mind  , i have met a special lady of npp, her grew up ih town im from , n we spent time an afternoon , n lunch .  to personally meet , is a blessing , ty to all npp friends ,  lets do this
answered Nov 24, 2015 by chiptrouble ( 13,291 points)
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its hard to say cuz ev1 is my npp family...luv to see u all offline... >< ^ ^ ♡♡♡
answered Nov 7, 2015 by camui123 ( 20,983 points)
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All Mods 1st, then Guruvolt to ask him for my Ds back :)
answered Nov 1, 2015 by nunoclix ( 32,974 points)
edited Nov 3, 2015 by nunoclix
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I have brought a couple players on NPP that I have went to school with. Due to their personal life they don't get to play much as they would like to.   I also have met a player (numerous times, will not reveal who it is unless they say themselves.) from NPP, who has become a part of my family over the years. The other player who has become a part of my family also over the yrs is Kajunspice.  We have not actually met up but one day we will.
Of course if the oppurtunity should arise to meet any other of our players from NPP that would be great.  I did get a request from Pip and others years back to meet, however cancer stopped that from happening sadly.
answered Oct 30, 2015 by kamraladympr ( 31,912 points)
someday we'll have a big get together and meet. All the mods have become like family to me and quite a few of the players. I always think of you and kaj as being more like sisters than just friends you 2 are so close
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scorsese, my buddy smiley , and tazzie ,  she is sweet to me , and also jeannie also sweet,smiley

answered Oct 29, 2015 by IIFlickaII ( 6,106 points)
good answer flicka
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I have met several players on nopaypoker but one I have not met and would love to is booboo and her husband ....I want to sit on the front porch with boos husband and talk about life and listen to music.
answered Oct 29, 2015 by pippy ( 5,380 points)
boo is a person i would love to meet also
me boo live down road from me , soon her get pie bake I'm going   hugs me boo , n oh ya don't try fool me with marie calenders ,  ive had hers   lol