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How does Mississippi Stud differ from Texas Holdem?

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How does Mississippi Stud differ from Texas Holdem?
asked Oct 21, 2015 in The Rules by zbandette ( 51,742 points)

1 Answer

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Mississippi Stud is a five-card poker game that lets you bet up to 10 units on a single hand. In Mississippi Stud, you compete against a paytable, not against the dealer, and you win if your hand is a pair of Jacks or better. The top payout is 500 to 1 for a Royal Flush — and it pays on all bets.

Make an ante bet to receive your first two cards. The dealer will place three community cards face down in the middle of the layout.

Play or Fold?

At this point, you may either fold or make the 3rd Street bet of 1x – 3x your ante. The dealer then reveals the first community card. Once you see the first community card, you have a choice: fold or make the 4th Street bet of 1x – 3x your ante. The dealer then reveals the second community card. Once again, you can fold or stay in the game by making the 5th Street bet from 1x – 3x your ante.

Note: When you fold, you forfeit all bets left in action.

Winning and Losing

After the dealer turns over the final community card, he resolves all wagers left in action. You win if your five-card hand is a pair of Jacks or better (pairs of 6s-10s push).


answered Oct 21, 2015 by kamraladympr ( 31,912 points)
Payout Table

    Royal Flush 500 to 1
    Straight Flush 100 to 1
    Four of a Kind 40 to 1
    Full House 10 to 1
    Flush 6 to 1
    Straight 4 to 1
    Three of a Kind 3 to 1
    Two Pairs 2 to 1
    Pair of Jacks or Better 1 to 1
    Pair of 6s thru 10s Push