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What are the best ranking 5 card poker hands in caribbean stud?

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What are the best ranking 5 card poker hands in caribbean stud?
asked Oct 16, 2015 in The Rules by PokerQueen ( 3,405 points)

1 Answer

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The winner is based on the best ranking 5 card poker hand. Here are the standard poker hand rankings:

1. Royal Flush (A,K,Q,J,10) of the same suit)
2. Straight Flush (5 cards in a row of the same suit)
3. Four of a kind
4. Full House (3 of a kind and a pair)
5. Flush (5 cards of the same suit)
6. Straight. (5 cards in a row)
7. Three of a kind
8. Two pair
9. One Pair
10. High Card
answered Oct 16, 2015 by KissMyAce33 ( 3,940 points)