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How do I play an Adobe Flash game including game.poqery.com?

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As most of you know Adobe has formally stopped all support for Adobe Flash games as of Jan 12th 2021 and Google Chrome also stopped supporting it as of Dec 31st 2020

So here is a really easy solution!


  1. download the 32 bit version of Pale Moon browser https://www.palemoon.org/download.shtml and install it​
  2. Make sure all previous versions of Flash have been uninstalled from your computer.
  3. Then download the last version of flash before the Adobe Kill switch was added ie V32.0.0.371 http://andkon.com/arcade/install_flash_player.exe and install it

Go to your favourite flash game in the Pale Moon browser ie http://game.poqery.com and it plays!

For full details..see http://andkon.com/arcade/faq.php where the guysgives loads of options and this video http://andkon.com/arcade/faq.php where he takes you through a really easy process to get it working on the desktop.


ALTERNATIVE 2 - get it working on Firefox

You can also view https://community.adobe.com/t5/flash-player/flash-player-stops-working-after-12-jan-2021/m-p/11759658?page=1#M210950 where they get it working in the Mozilla Firefox browser, although it appears to be a little more complex involving editing permissions and files. This solution is:

1) Install firefox 78.6.1 esr from this link https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/78.6.1esr/win64/en-US/

2) Edit the mms.cfg file C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\mms.cfg

AllowListUrlPattern=https://<server e.g. google.com/>
AllowListUrlPattern=https://<server e.g. yahoo.com/>

asked Jan 17, 2021 in Help Me Please! by Poqery ( 88,068 points)
edited Jan 17, 2021 by Poqery

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