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What does Table Stakes mean?

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What does Table Stakes mean?
asked Oct 9, 2015 in Definitions by Hawkeye ( 2,102 points)

2 Answers

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t-bone for all
answered Jan 18, 2016 by merkin8r ( 19,910 points)
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In poker and other gambling games, table stakes are a limit on the amount a player can win or lose in the play of a single hand. A player may bet no more money than they had on the table at the beginning of that hand and consequently cannot go back to their pocket for more money once a hand is dealt. In between hands however, a player is free to re-buy or add-on so long as their entire stack after the re-buy or add-on does not exceed the maximum buy-in.
answered Oct 12, 2015 by only1dani ( 30,314 points)