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does anyone know if game keeps running when server is down

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311 views asked Jul 16, 2016 in Poker by ashevillebelle ( 3,855 points)

2 Answers

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when down, it cant be log in more than 5 minutes... and without any notifications...
answered Aug 3, 2016 by bhilingga123 ( 3,880 points)
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Depends if the server has completely crashed or just isolated itself from the world. In the latest example it isolated itself and continued to play. When we restart, the $30k Refer a friend final will have to be restarted soon after we get things working properly again.

The issue is with a type of database process which is dying for some reasons. We are in the process of figuring out why so we can fix and deploy a patch and get things working. We did some changes earlier but obviously it didnt work.

We have some good people working on this issue right now and hope it wont be too long.
answered Jul 16, 2016 by Poqery ( 88,068 points)