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why emon deleted from the list biggest winners ?

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he was one of the first  players in npp site

asked Apr 26, 2016 in Poker by JJMILAN ( 18,888 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer
The biggest winner list calculates your current balance and any past withdrawals from the site.  If a player has never withdrawn from the site, and doesn't log into the site within the allotted time given.  Than the player not only loses the freeds for inactivety but also goes to zero on the list.  However if he had cashed out through the site, but didn't log the site in months his name would still be there.

For example Unclealbert passed away in 2010, but is still on the list.  This is because he cashed out a number of times before his passing.

I haven't personally seen eamon in a long while on the tables. Hope he comes back and all is well with him.
answered Apr 26, 2016 by kamraladympr ( 31,912 points)
selected May 2, 2016 by JJMILAN
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i don't know .........
answered Apr 26, 2016 by merkin8r ( 19,910 points)