I do not go to other poker Q&A sites and have only looked at one other poker site in the last several years but its hard to imagine that other poker Q&A sites are quite like this. Whether it has turned out to be the type of site the owner had expected so far it goes way beyond what I would have imagined. I hope he enjoys reading it as much as I do and gets as many laughs from it.
We get some unique questions here, I mean what other poker site would have a question about whether birds pee or not? I love reading the questions and the responses to them, some are informative, some are just seriously entertaining.
We have a terrific group of members here and I hope you all spread the word about this site, talk about it while you are playing the freerolls and other games, lets get everyone to join it.
Did I mention that the best reply on this question will get some bonus chips?