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Who else thinks Poqery Q&A is a very unique and entertaining site?

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I do not go to other poker Q&A sites and have only looked at one other poker site in the last several years but its hard to imagine that other poker Q&A sites are quite like this. Whether it has turned out to be the type of site the owner had expected so far it goes way beyond what I would have imagined. I hope he enjoys reading it as much as I do and gets as many laughs from it.

We get some unique questions here, I mean what other poker site would have a question about whether birds pee or not? I love reading the questions and the responses to them, some are informative, some are just seriously entertaining.

We have a terrific group of members here and I hope you all spread the word about this site, talk about it while you are playing the freerolls and other games, lets get everyone to join it.

Did I mention that the best reply on this question will get some bonus chips?
asked Mar 23, 2016 in NoPayPOKER by only1dani ( 30,314 points)

4 Answers

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Best answer
where else coould you ask if birds pee and get an honest explanation ?? I have been several places but none like this. We have fun at each others expense but are quick to sing praises of others when the chance occurs. (JAD) But this site is helpful in ALL kinds of ways. Want to know where eyebrows come from ?? (JAD !) Just ask the question here. I am not always sure where all the knowledge comes from but it is certainly entertaining and I would say for the most part correct. Whoever thought of the idea to tap into the genius of the NPP family really hit a winner this time. Looking for more great things from NPP in future . Why go anywhere else ??  You have almost everything here. Some sadness, yes, because we are all subject to a higher authority, and will someday recieve Orders to report to Supreme Commander. We have lost members but we remember them fondly. Comedy?? Good lands yes. Every time I play. And If your side has stopped aching stop by the lobby for some news and family happings. All in all I must say WELL DONE NPP !!!  We Love You !!!!
answered Mar 23, 2016 by seacrittur ( 34,970 points)
selected Mar 25, 2016 by only1dani
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I find it extremely enterting

fills in time between games
answered Mar 26, 2016 by homiej ( 13,614 points)
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Dani, you are absolutely right!

Right now can not seem me without poqery.

Used to have fun only with Jim online, now just need to log in here and have fun all the time reading some questions and answers, even those i already read, some i can´t stop read them, i laugh all the time.

How can i forget your feet huh? Loooooooooooooooooool
answered Mar 23, 2016 by nunoclix ( 32,974 points)
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thank you for being around. although im still not long enough being a member, the site entertained me so much. n also, its the cure for not being able to login to npp. i myself, having so much fun. thank you. (do i get the bcs now?) XOXO
answered Mar 23, 2016 by camui123 ( 20,983 points)