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Do you have any plans for New Years? If so what are they?

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Do you have any plans for New Years? If so what are they?
asked Dec 27, 2015 in Any Old Thing by Darkangel67 ( 11,732 points)

5 Answers

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drink drink drink eat drink drink drink drink drink eat drink 12 am drink drink eat drink drink .......... i 4get .......
answered Dec 28, 2015 by merkin8r ( 19,910 points)
selected Dec 31, 2015 by Darkangel67
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Yes i do :-P. Im gonna be with family in village and i dont know exactly how will be 31 night, but sure will be a nice party :-). Maybe every day lollllll
answered Dec 29, 2015 by rollon ( 11,325 points)
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wait up to see the new year begin , gonna be a blast
answered Dec 27, 2015 by chiptrouble ( 13,291 points)
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going to spend the night with friends and my best friend......aka wifey drink a lot of wine and champagne and we are heading out on a boat to watch the fireworks at midnight.
answered Dec 27, 2015 by actionjimbo ( 29,947 points)
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there is a dance at the Spotted Pig in Lexington and even though it is amataur night we (Navy Wife & Me )  may go with some friends. Dont know yet as they say the weather may not be nice. Hard to tell since this this is Missouri and if you dont like the weathe weather just wait 5 min and it will change. Happy New Year Everyone !!
answered Dec 27, 2015 by seacrittur ( 34,970 points)