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time for being alone, where's the best place you want to go?

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sometimes you need to get away of daily activities, or just bored. even its only for couple hours or so. you just need it.
asked Dec 12, 2015 in Any Old Thing by camui123 ( 20,983 points)

4 Answers

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Best answer
go'n for a cruz in my cool car . just me and my dog .
answered Dec 12, 2015 by merkin8r ( 19,910 points)
selected Dec 15, 2015 by camui123
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Simple, just like to go to a Garden with animals and have a little fun.
answered Dec 15, 2015 by nunoclix ( 32,974 points)
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I'm off to meditate in my wine cellar
answered Dec 14, 2015 by actionjimbo ( 29,947 points)
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alone with a cup o coffee n stale day old donuts , jimbo sent ,  n , npp  im good to go .
answered Dec 13, 2015 by chiptrouble ( 13,291 points)