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What does chip dumping and collusion mean? Why is it unethical to do on any poker site?

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What does chip dumping and collusion mean? Why is it unethical to do on any poker site?
asked Oct 4, 2015 in The Rules by kamraladympr ( 31,912 points)

6 Answers

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when one player go allin every time and he want go but still keep to win .... is unfair
answered Mar 24, 2016 by JOJOvyper ( 1,145 points)
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unfair to other players
answered Feb 16, 2016 by trummy ( 4,610 points)
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when some one come going allin all the tim
answered Feb 15, 2016 by rec2009 ( 13,138 points)
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well well , ive went from chip leader to out n few hands as possible to keep from leaveing,  sitting , leave chips on the table , instead of on the floor ,  not feel this is dumping , hell they were on table to start , leave them there , i not chose who may get em ,  best hand i guess .
answered Jan 10, 2016 by chiptrouble ( 13,291 points)
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chip dumping is hard to explain as differant poker sites have created there own versions of what it is to "dump".collusion is the same everywhere and simply means 2 or more people teaming together to gain an unfair advantage.
answered Oct 30, 2015 by actionjimbo ( 29,947 points)
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Chip dumping is dumping chips.
answered Oct 4, 2015 by Thistledowns ( 3,152 points)