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What is the difference between NL, PL, Limit ?

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What is the difference between NL, PL, Limit ?
asked Oct 4, 2015 in Definitions by kamraladympr ( 31,912 points)

1 Answer

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All refer to different limitations on the way you can bet in poker games.

NL = No Limit

Where  a player can bet all of their chips at any point they are allowed to bet.

PL = Pot Limit

Where a player cannot raise more than the size of the total pot. The total pot includes the chips from the previous bettign rounds + the previous betting action in the current betting round + the call from the player making the raise

Limit = AKA Fixed Limit

Where the bets are fixed to a specified size and cannot be increased for a specific game. In a game played with a fixed-limit betting structure, a player chooses only whether to bet or not - the amount is fixed by rule. To enable the possibility of bluffing and protection, the fixed amount generally doubles at some point in the game. This double wager amount is referred to as a big bet.


answered Oct 7, 2015 by Poqery ( 88,068 points)