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is it possible that someday we can play npp poker game from gadget?

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i mentioned this only once and i got a warn. i didnt wanna harm anyone. just asking. cuz compy really hard to bring in my pocket...
asked Nov 17, 2015 in Help Me Please! by camui123 ( 20,983 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer
It has been discussed numerous times.  You never know what the future holds for us!!  If it happens we might need longer time banks for those who are playing on their phone from the office, laundry mat, in meetings, etc.. LOL
answered Nov 18, 2015 by kamraladympr ( 31,912 points)
selected Nov 18, 2015 by camui123
that make sense too :p
but kammy, allow me to keep on wishing okay?
luv u
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i dont know if it will ever happen but would be awesome if it happens
answered Nov 17, 2015 by northender ( 1,836 points)
yeah, keep on wishing n play...