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Why don't we have more players for the 10k sponsor tournament?

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1,101 views asked Oct 30, 2015 in Poker by fifty5056 ( 30,679 points)

6 Answers

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Many players just dont try to do offers, some offers just need to use your email, the other reason is the time, the tournment start to late for European players.
answered Dec 6, 2015 by nunoclix ( 32,974 points)
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I tried some offers but found they wanted info that had no bearing on the transsaction plus they bombed me with junk  offers that didnt pass the smell test
answered Dec 5, 2015 by seacrittur ( 34,970 points)
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When I gave my answer to this question I was just stating what others have told me.As for myself I played that game for a long time and do not now due to my work schedule.I believe that after a few years if the game cannot even fill one table when it has a 10k payout it really should be looked at more seriously as to the reasons why.
answered Nov 2, 2015 by actionjimbo ( 29,947 points)
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Its played at midnight uk time so its too late for most europians.
answered Oct 31, 2015 by giffer ( 7,463 points)
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If the offers do not pay off why are the same players able to do offers and enter every week? It takes some time and effort to earn the ticket for that game. Yes, some offers you have to work on to get payment and these same players that enter weekly have issues with that also. They do screenshots of every offer, every email to send in in when necessary. 

The game is a great one and well worth the time and effort it takes to get a ticket for it. Not only that but you can earn bonus chips and freeds in the process. We even have players that do the offers to help pay for their premium status. 

The trick is do not get discourged, if one gives you trouble send the necessary info to prove you completed it to offers support and move on to the next one.

answered Oct 30, 2015 by only1dani ( 30,314 points)
I am one of those players and I totally agree with Dani. The 10k game is a fun game and I love playing it. I would llove to see more players in it.
When I gave my answer to this question I was just stating what others have told me.As for myself I played that game for a long time and do not now due to my work schedule.I believe that after a few years if the game cannot even fill one table when it has a 10k payout it really should be looked at more seriously as to the reasons why.
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because most of the offers do not work or pay off so you waste lots of time and get bombarded with calls and e-mails for nothing
answered Oct 30, 2015 by actionjimbo ( 29,947 points)
Used to be a regular in it, But work commitments means i cannot , sometimes i try but at midnight my time its a fail lol xx