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How do you play Let It Ride Poker?

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How do you play Let It Ride Poker?
asked Oct 21, 2015 in The Rules by zbandette ( 51,742 points)

2 Answers

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it is fun
answered Feb 13, 2016 by rec2009 ( 13,138 points)
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I always lose when I play it, hope you have better luck.  The rules are as follows..

In this game, you don’t play against the dealer or any other player, and you have the opportunity to control two of your three bets. Plus, you can win a big bonus with just a $1 bet. The object is to get a hand that qualifies for one of the payouts.

To begin, each player places three (3) equal bets in the positions indicated on the table – (1), (2), ($). To play the bonus, place $1 on the bonus circle. The game starts with three cards dealt to each player and two to the dealer. After looking at your first three cards, you may choose to take back your first (1) bet or “let it ride.”

The dealer turns up one community card. If that card helps your hand, then “let it ride.” If not, you may want to take back your second (2) bet. After the players tuck their remaining cards, the dealer turns up the second, and final, community card and exposes all players’ cards. Winning hands are paid according to the payout schedule.


Let It Ride Payouts        Basic          with $1 Bonus
Pair of 10s or better        1 to 1           plus $0
Two Pair        2 to 1           plus $4
Three-of-a-Kind        3 to 1           plus $8
Straight        5 to 1           plus $25
Flush        8 to 1           plus $50
Full House        11 to 1           plus $75
Four-of-a-Kind        50 to 1           plus $100
Straight Flush        200 to 1           plus $2,000
Royal Flush        1,000 to 1           plus $10,000


answered Oct 21, 2015 by kamraladympr ( 31,912 points)