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How many hole cards in your hand do you use to make a hand in Omaha ?

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How many hole cards in your hand do you use to make a hand in Omaha ?
asked Oct 11, 2015 in The Rules by SugaBear85 ( 1,809 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer
the answer is 2
answered Nov 1, 2015 by actionjimbo ( 29,947 points)
selected Apr 17, 2016 by SugaBear85
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Each player is dealt four cards face down. Then, a total of five community cards are dealt face up in the center of the table in three betting segments (3-1-1). After all the cards are dealt the players make the best hand that they can by combining any two of their two hole cards with any three of the five community cards.
answered Oct 28, 2015 by pippy ( 5,380 points)
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To make a poker hand you have to use 2 cards from your hand and then 3 cards that are on the board. This is very important and in turn will have an affect on the selection of your starting hand.
answered Oct 12, 2015 by KrazyKat66 ( 1,148 points)