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1) On the forum of your choice, find the section you want to upload the picture, screenshot in. (The picture,screenshot will need to have been saved to your desktop on your pc!)
2)Go to that section and click on the NEW TOPIC Icon. This will than open up a new section.
3) You will need to fill in TITLE OF TOPIC.
4)Next go to the MESSAGE BODY Section. Just above that blank space you will see a bunch of little Icons on top. 
5) When you Hover your mouse over the top of each one, it shows you what each Icon is for. You're looking for the ones that say, Host an Image, Insert Image or Insert a Link.
6) First, click on the following icon Host an Image. A box will open up.
7) In that box click on Select Files. Another box will open titled File Upload. Scroll until you find the picture,screenshot that you want to post. Highlight the picture. Than click on the open button. This in turn will load the picture in the open box in the forum. You MAY have to scroll down some to see all of the buttons!
8) To the right of the picture thumbnail is a blue box with an up arrow in it. When you hover your mouse over it "Send the image to the selected category" appears. Click on that blue box.
You MAY have to scroll down some to see all of the buttons!
9)After clicking on the blue box, 3 codes appear. Choose the 1st code and copy it.
You MAY have to scroll down some to see all of the buttons!
10) After copying that code, hover over the INSERT IMAGE Icon. Click on that and paste the code into the box under the word URL. Than click on the INSERT BUTTON.
11) You will see the code in the message body. Scroll down and click on the SEND button.
If you have done all of these steps in order. Your screenshot, picture should be in message body and your post complete.
Also keep in mind on how you write the Title. Plus the words used in the message body along with your screenshot, picture. Some forums including poker ones may/will delete your cashout  post as SPAM! You need to try and be subtle with the wording. For example post..
"Check out Poqery! It's a Free site, lots of different games, quests to do. You can even cashout like I did! Anybody else tried the site yet?" 
asked Dec 17, 2017 in Help Me Please! by kamraladympr ( 31,912 points)

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