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how to get into the lobby/ games after a gap of playing for about 2/3 months

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607 views asked Jun 18, 2017 in Any Old Thing by lanara ( 446 points)

1 Answer

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You shouldn't need to do anything special. Your old password and username should still work.

In order to get a NEW PASSWORD you can click the "Forgot Password" link on the login page or hit this link http://game.poqery.com/forgotPassword/ enter the email address you used to register and it will send an email with a link which you can use to create a new password. This will only work with the email address you used to register with, you cannot use another email address.

In order to get a USERNAME reminder you can click the "Forgot Username" link on the login page or hit this link http://game.poqery.com/forgotUsername/ enter the email address you used to register and it will send you an email with a reminder of your USERNAME. This will only work with the email address you used to register with, you cannot use another email address.

Also, if you computer changed or you updated your browser you may need to re-enable (turn on) Adobe Flash. It could be installed in your browser but Adobe Flash is now turned off by default in all major browsers. We have further information here http://poqery.com/5035/how-do-you-turn-on-adobe-flash-player-ie-chrome-firefox-opera


answered Jun 21, 2017 by Poqery ( 88,068 points)