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I thought this was poker so what is this thing called a Golf Bag?

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985 views asked Oct 10, 2015 in Definitions by Thistledowns ( 3,152 points)

7 Answers

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Best answer
A flush with clubs?
answered Oct 12, 2015 by KrazyKat66 ( 1,148 points)
selected Oct 12, 2015 by Thistledowns
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Any club flush

answered Mar 18, 2016 by KajunSpice ( 52,879 points)
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i keep my bollzzzz in a bag !...... lol ...... batman
answered Mar 18, 2016 by merkin8r ( 19,910 points)
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answered Feb 16, 2016 by trummy ( 4,610 points)
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i get to paly ute card now
answered Feb 14, 2016 by rec2009 ( 13,138 points)
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a royal flush in clubs
answered Nov 5, 2015 by actionjimbo ( 29,947 points)
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Object of the Game:

Get the best poker hand among all golfers and win the pot.


A ‘Putt’ is defined to be any stroke taken on the green. A ball played from anywhere off the boundaries of the green or on the ‘fringe’ is not deemed to be a ‘putt’. Once you begin to ‘putt’, every stroke taken from that point on is deemed to be a ‘putt’.

The Play:

Each player antes a pre-determined amount ($1 is a good number) for the round. One (1) playing card will be awarded for the ante.

As each hole is played, one (1) additional playing card will be awarded each time a player makes a one-putt.

Note: Two additional playing cards will be awarded for a ‘no-putt’, no matter how it is accomplished ie. Hole-in-one, hole-out from the fairway, chip-in, putt-in from the fringe, etc.)

$1 will be added to the pot by any player who three-putts.

$1 will be added to the pot and 1 card will be deducted from that player’s hand each time a player takes more than 3 putts.

The scorer records all one-putts, three-putts and more-than-three-putts.

At the end of the round, all money owing is collected and all cards earned are dealt. Best poker hand takes the pot. See the ‘Poker Play’ section.


Player A has 3 one-putts and 2 three-putts. At the conclusion of the round, he is dealt 4 cards (one card for the ante plus one card for each of his one-putts) and he puts an additional $2 in the pot because of his two three-putts.

Player B has 1 one-putts and 3 three-putts and 1 four putt. At the conclusion of the round, he is dealt only 1 card (one card for the ante plus one card for his one-putt minus 1 card for the four putt) and he puts an additional $4 in the pot because of his two three-putts and one four putt … and so on with all players.


Get as many 'one-putts' or 'no-putts' as possible (get as many playing cards as possible to increase your chances for a good poker hand) while getting as few three-or-more putts as possible. As Al ‘Hotshot’ Hanley would say, "Aim for the fringes".

Poker Play:

All Cards will be dealt at the conclusion of the round from a standard 52 card deck.

The Dealer is the player with the most one-putts and least three putts. In case of a tie, cut for the deal – high card deals.

The Dealer shuffles and then deals one card face up to each player around the table and then deals extra earned cards as necessary, one at a time face up to each player going around the table. Best poker hand (no restriction on number of cards used) wins the pot. Nothing wild.

Hand Ranking, low to high: High card; pair; 2 pair; 3 of a kind; straight; flush; full house; 4 of a kind; straight flush; royal flush.

answered Oct 12, 2015 by SugaBear85 ( 1,809 points)