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What is a donk?

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What is a donk?
asked Aug 13, 2016 in Poker by ashevillebelle ( 3,855 points)
Apa apa nya donk

4 Answers

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Apa apanya donk
answered Oct 24, 2016 by yudith ( 473 points)
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a donk is the front half of a donkey
answered Sep 22, 2016 by seacrittur ( 34,970 points)
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A poker donkey is a bad player, or is he? A poker donkey is a gambler. Not just any old gambler though. The poker donkey will hit their gut shot straight, seven high flush, and miracle full-house after a fourth street flush. The poker donkey is a terrible gambler. The poker donkey will gamble with incorrect odds and hit their miracle card.
answered Sep 10, 2016 by nunoclix ( 32,974 points)
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A poker donkey is a bad player, or is he? A poker donkey is a gambler. Not just any old gambler though. The poker donkey will hit their gut shot straight, seven high flush, and miracle full-house after a fourth street flush. The poker donkey is a terrible gambler. The poker donkey will gamble  and hit their miracle card. 

A poker donkey does not know any better. Donkeys like to play and they will get paid at your expense. You can expect to find a poker donkey at the lower limits of poker. Usually they will go on good runs of cards. The donkey will run so good that they will be mistaken that they are actually good at poker and berate other players to their fine playing skills. 

But, like all donkeys they finally end up on the rail watching other donkeys play. The poker donkey will often be mad and sulk and blame the cards for the absolute terrible run of bad fortune. It is only then that the poker donkey will dig deep to gain knowledge of the game.


BUTTHE term is way overused and almost always misused. Often the people being called donkeys are the ones crushing the table. People get stuck playing a certain way and other people identify it. Some people cant lay down hands and need to call someone else out to make themselves feel better.

Gus Hansen is often called a donk for playing some different types of starting hands then others. Lots of ways to skin a cat. Some play this backward style very well, but i would imagine it would have a higher success rate live, then online, do to ability to have more reads

1. Makes rash decisions
2. Often cant shut up
3. No matter how badly they preform they often come out smelling 
like roses
4. Even when they make terrible mistakes they have no idea they have

5. They make even there best friends pull their hair out

.A donkey at your table in a cash game is an invaluable asset. Do not berate them because of their nature for they will cease to feed you. In the long run, who do you want calling your bets: the skilled player who plays correctly, or the unschooled unthinking donkey who plays incorrectly.cheeky

answered Aug 16, 2016 by jessicanc ( 27,488 points)
reshown Sep 11, 2016 by Poqery