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poqery how to play this?

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894 views asked Aug 6, 2016 in Poker by Mat ( 506 points)
still can not play

1 Answer

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Are you asking about the game? Click the Play-Free-Poker link above and sign up for an account.
answered Aug 6, 2016 by Poqery ( 88,068 points)
Still can not play !?
you need to give us some detail so we can help you. What have you tried? Where are you signing up, where have you logged in?

Please give details, we cannot help without some detail.
The following details :

Username: Danta
Email: kadekdantabayu@gmail.com

Please keep this information safe for future reference.

Thank you,
how, there is a solution for me ?
Those are the details for the Poqery Q&A site. when you go to the game you need to make a new account. Make your account at http://game.poqery.com/join