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WHEN will be the service stable on the site?

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1,182 views asked Jul 20, 2016 in Help Me Please! by tymona ( 1,349 points)
what a joke. at least open nopay back up lol
We can understand your frustration with the current situation and promise you that we feel it 10x more acutely! That is why you can be certain it will be fixed and it will be fixed soon!
coming soon likes a movie update...

5 Answers

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Best answer
I know this sounds like a flippant answer and it isnt meant to be, just the truth. It will be stable as soon as we can correct the issue.

It's a very hard problem to figure out. The site ran over 25,000,000 hands during 1 year of testing without any major issues, now we take it live and for some reason it is losing the connection to the database in an inexplicable way. No errors, no blocked threads (sorry technical jargon) nothing!

We think it may be down to some issues with some underlying software technologies supplied by the software giant Oracle! When you get to that level of complexity it is neither an obvious or an easy problem to correct.

Fortunately we have some of the best people in the business working on this issue an we hope to have it corrected "soon". I know "soon" means very little, but if you base it on the amount effort being put into this problem then it that statement makes sense - we'll get it fixed as soon as humanly possible.

Sorry again for all of the issues and we hope you can see how great it will be when it stabilises. So we hope you accept our sicerest apologies and stick with us in the near term, it will be worth it!

All The Best
answered Jul 20, 2016 by Poqery ( 88,068 points)
selected Jul 22, 2016 by tymona
Thanks for your quick and promising words!
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coming soon hahaha
answered Aug 4, 2016 by bhilingga123 ( 3,880 points)
Went down again right now. (::)
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Your guess is as goo as mine
answered Aug 4, 2016 by scorsese ( 835 points)
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right now server seems stable.. :D
answered Aug 3, 2016 by bhilingga123 ( 3,880 points)
When was it: "right now"? Went down again just now. :D
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When the PANTHERS win the superbowl cooleveryone cheer them on this year lol

answered Jul 21, 2016 by jessicanc ( 27,488 points)