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You can put a name to a star. For who?

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Not people you know, pets, etc. Somebody who would deserve in your opinion
asked May 20, 2016 in Any Old Thing by rollon ( 11,325 points)
For that i said not who you know. When I read your answers i can not decide about

Anyway everyone of them, all, have a star. Inside of hearts

4 Answers

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for my uncle, and aunt, also my cousin.... :D
answered Aug 4, 2016 by bhilingga123 ( 3,880 points)
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For my dad who worked in the space program from 1953 to 1996 as a mechanical ,structrual & design engineer & propulsion, technical systems specalist for McDonnel Douglas / Boeing & NASA
answered Jul 10, 2016 by SurfRat ( 7,910 points)
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yes oh so many , one though if she was in your sky , each time you looked upon her , you would smile , this be , Mary , my baby sister.
answered May 23, 2016 by chiptrouble ( 13,291 points)
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I have many, like my brother in law passed away with 20, my dear Frank ( bonebag), my grandparents, many my friend.
answered May 22, 2016 by nunoclix ( 32,974 points)