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are jets leaving chemtrails in the skys above your house

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488 views asked Apr 29, 2016 in Any Old Thing by ashevillebelle ( 3,855 points)

5 Answers

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oh yes with out a doubt
answered Jul 15, 2016 by popcornpoker ( 709 points)
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jets more likely to punch you in locker room over misunderstanding
answered Jul 15, 2016 by jetsno1fan ( 1,216 points)
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wow u have a house must be rich eh but i have noticed them sometimes over my tepee
answered Apr 30, 2016 by northender ( 1,836 points)
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yes some time's i see them ......
answered Apr 30, 2016 by merkin8r ( 19,910 points)
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To tell the truth I havent noticed any in a long while. My house is so small they can be there and gone before yoiu know it. Birdshot doesnt work too well as it doesnt penetrate much more than a birds aft secrion. shotgun doesnt have the range and rifle endangers pilot and crew and they might shoot back. Those chem trails leave trees gasping for air and make the air above your house look trashy. I have been renting out Buzzards to friends and nieghbors to carry no tresspassing signs. Nothing like a vulture to get a pilots attention . the rent is cheap and they work long hours just floating along on air currents. Buzzard Bombs Inc.may be reached at BR-549. This ad iis not endorsed byNPP.
answered Apr 30, 2016 by seacrittur ( 34,970 points)