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If you sign up for LEAGUE you should honor your commitment ?????

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    The peeps who complete their 5 games work hard to do it.   Each day trying to convince enough players to fill a game is not fun.  I find only a hand full of people in here are dedicated to the league and do their best to complete this task.  Butttttttttttttt now we got others who sign up and not even get 5 games in but do not even play 1 game.  Do they not know that this cuts into the winning peeps profit ?    Well it does and its not fair to the players who work so hard for it.  

    League games can be fun and I'v made lots of friends in them.   The poker quality is great and the payout is great mad money for other games.  Sometimes we can't finish the task which is understandable but to sign up and not even try is not.      

    Please honor your commitment and let us all have fun.


    Any suggestions ????  enlightenedenlightened

asked Apr 29, 2016 in Poker by xxYuMMyxx ( 9,165 points)

6 Answers

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i stopped play, yummy ask yourself why, it is easier to get freeds in other games and  not wait all day for a one game

answered May 2, 2016 by JJMILAN ( 18,888 points)
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i always try to fullfill the commitment but sometimes is hard to fill them even with tv off and sound on  lol
answered Apr 30, 2016 by northender ( 1,836 points)
LOL  yr bad !!!!!!
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not being dishonour to other players, or the league itself, it takes very long time to fulfill. and i couldnt be waiting for hours. i know actualy its worth. so, it might just matter of choice. i myself, dont mind to play the league games if i have chances.
answered Apr 30, 2016 by camui123 ( 20,983 points)
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yes gr8 one seacrit , a schedule star time & play with number ??? of peep's registerd ........ then i might play some !.....
answered Apr 30, 2016 by merkin8r ( 19,910 points)
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I have signed up for  many leauge games bult getting them filled is almost impossible. I have said once before that schedule a starting time for each game and start with number registered and pay out accordingly. DDont understand how not qualifing cuts into profit.
answered Apr 29, 2016 by seacrittur ( 34,970 points)
Percentage of payout is based on how many sign up.   Not how many actually play and try.  Half peeps that sign up don t play even 1 game.
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commitment two doors down , i came for poker n pie , oh ya , n hugs n fun
answered Apr 29, 2016 by chiptrouble ( 13,291 points)