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Is there a ratty cookbook available for bench snacks??

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306 views asked Mar 29, 2016 in Help Me Please! by seacrittur ( 34,970 points)

2 Answers

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loool  unfortunatlly there is no specific Bakers Cook Book I use .   I get most ideas from resturaunts , neighbors , friends , from some websites & a few I have actually concocted. I find a taking a basic recipe adding a little imagination & complimentary ingredients yields some tasty & interesting deserts / snacks .... maybe I should publish a Trivia bench snack / desert Cook book loooool
answered Apr 1, 2016 by SurfRat ( 7,910 points)
selected Apr 1, 2016 by seacrittur
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you might be a-bull to get that cook book in China !....... 101 way's to eat a rat ......
answered Mar 30, 2016 by merkin8r ( 19,910 points)
Vewy Vewy Wong Merk