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Do you think about previous hands ???

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Unlike myself many people I play against at the local pub are still going on about a hand from who cares when .

Have you got one of those stories ????
asked Mar 28, 2016 in Any Old Thing by homiej ( 13,614 points)

6 Answers

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remember a hand ,  i have to keep looking at my two cards on table , yup im a mess   lol
answered Jun 12, 2016 by chiptrouble ( 13,291 points)
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i say, win is win and lose is lose. so, like poop, lets forget about it. anyway, a better or worse hands still come... don't you think?
answered Mar 30, 2016 by camui123 ( 20,983 points)
Totally agree
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Only one hand I bring up.  It's when I had AA and another player had AA and I won hand......Ace high flush :)

answered Mar 28, 2016 by KajunSpice ( 52,879 points)
Very nice , have had that happen to me once
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once i fold my cards i never think about that hand again
answered Mar 28, 2016 by northender ( 1,836 points)
Very true
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As I have said before I have been cured of playing with wild cards. Once while in Tonkin Gulf on patrol abunch of us were playing low hole one up which means your hole card could change on the last card. I had a six high stright and was counting on at least half of the money. When the cards showed I remembered (too late) that the A could play high and low. Needless to say the loss of  $600 on one hand cured me of that. I had nightmares for weeks. 6 months pay poof !!!
answered Mar 28, 2016 by seacrittur ( 34,970 points)
That's gotta hurt
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lol .... i 4got the hand i played 2 hands ago let alone a week or more ago ..........
answered Mar 28, 2016 by merkin8r ( 19,910 points)
Ain't that the truth