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NoPayRadio, did you already tried? DJ Giffer da Best!

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You can listen the best songs in our NoPayRadio while you playing or not, also we have the best DJ ever, MR. DJ Giffer.

Giffer rocksssssssss!!!

What do you think about our NoPayRadio???


asked Mar 21, 2016 in Any Old Thing by nunoclix ( 32,974 points)
Thank you all for you kind words and support but if it wasn't for you players there would be no radio hugssssssssssssssss

5 Answers

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Best answer

DJ Giffie is our techno master but plays all kinds of music for NPP friends.  NOPAYRADIO has brought us all closer together as friends and by the requests tells us a little bit more about each other.  Listening to music while playing poker is the best.  Thank you NPP and Giffie.  cool


PS -  Wish Rocker DJ Kam would dust off her music and fill the gap when Giffie has to work.  LOL  enlightened     angel  HINT  HINT  devil

answered Mar 25, 2016 by xxYuMMyxx ( 9,165 points)
selected Mar 27, 2016 by nunoclix
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NOPAYRADIO rules!!! :-)


Right now GIFF was doing magical show again. And Rocking like always. Or Countring. Musicing lollllllllllllll 



answered Mar 25, 2016 by rollon ( 11,325 points)
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I love both our DJs and the only thing that could possibly make it better is 24/7 country music!
answered Mar 23, 2016 by only1dani ( 30,314 points)
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hi giffy, whazzup hun? where all the funs go when you're not around? wait for my unbelievable tune requests, hun,  hehehe...ur so genius. keep on rocking hun!!! yaay...
answered Mar 23, 2016 by camui123 ( 20,983 points)
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Love NPP Radio, where else could you get a kilt wearing DJ lol
answered Mar 22, 2016 by lady_blue ( 20,956 points)