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How do you send a private message to a member on this site?

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605 views asked Oct 7, 2015 in Using This Site by only1dani ( 30,314 points)
edited Oct 7, 2015 by WallyRob

1 Answer

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First you need to be logged into the site. Once you are logged in you have a number of different ways to speak to people:

  • You probably know the person you want to contact because they have answered a question or answered something you are interested in, click their name and that will bring up their user profile. Near the top you will find a "send private message" link, click that and follow the instructions.
  • If you have already traded some messages before you can hit "My Updates --> My Messages" which shows the last message sent/received from each of your friends
  • Alternatively hit the envelope icon at the top right under the "logout" button, that will bring you to the "My Messages" page.
answered Oct 9, 2015 by Poqery ( 88,068 points)