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When did you start playing poker?

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337 views asked Feb 9, 2016 in Poker by trummy ( 4,610 points)

2 Answers

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I started playing poker over 10 years ago, for fun,back then i didn't have a clue,my wins were mostly pure luck, but then i met players daily , started chatting and found i was playing more for the chat and so many laughs we had, met a few really good poker players, and made friends with a few and to this day we still chat online, message each other so poker even free sites are good for meeting people and making friends, and one day i might even learn to play poker really well smiley

answered Feb 10, 2016 by lady_blue ( 20,956 points)
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I actually started playing for real when at sea on patrol during off time if there was such a thing. To this day I will not play low hole one up as I lost  $600 in one hand. Since was making almost as much in combat pay as I was in regular pay I gave up the idea of playing with wild cards. Luckily I had already won that much . Almost 6 months pay easy come easy go.
answered Feb 10, 2016 by seacrittur ( 34,970 points)