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Why shouldn't you go " on tilt"

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328 views asked Jan 18, 2016 in Poker by xBooBoox ( 1,289 points)

4 Answers

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make you crazy
answered Feb 7, 2016 by trummy ( 4,610 points)
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ive never played an amount in pot cause me to go tilt ,  even though npp free , n lotta fun ,  oh ive said a few choice words though,
answered Jan 19, 2016 by chiptrouble ( 13,291 points)
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you should try and stick to your own game style at all times every1 losses sometimes no point geting careless and playing silly hands and lossing even more hands . Just take your loss and get over it .
answered Jan 18, 2016 by drivninstructor ( 2,701 points)
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even after a bad beat u shouldnt go on tilt as u can always catch a couple of hands and get yourself back in the hunt as many say all u need is a chip and a chair
answered Jan 18, 2016 by northender ( 1,836 points)