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What does sandbagging mean?

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What does sandbagging mean?
asked Oct 5, 2015 in Definitions by kamraladympr ( 31,912 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

Slow playing (also called sandbagging or trapping) is deceptive play inpoker that is roughly the opposite of bluffing: betting weakly or passively with a strong holding rather than betting aggressively with a weak one. The flat call is one such play.

answered Oct 6, 2015 by KajunSpice ( 52,879 points)
selected Oct 7, 2015 by kamraladympr
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To play worse than your ability for awhile to lure people in then stomp on them
answered Nov 28, 2015 by actionjimbo ( 29,947 points)
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When there's a flood, you have to put sand into bags and stack them up like bricks so the water doesn't get into your house.
answered Oct 5, 2015 by Thistledowns ( 3,152 points)
lol derrrrrrr