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I am dealt pocket Kings, what are the odds one of the other nine players has pocket Aces?

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602 views asked Oct 5, 2015 in Poker by dreamzofdark ( 3,235 points)

5 Answers

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pretty goo on npp
answered Feb 7, 2016 by trummy ( 4,610 points)
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if i had KK and was on table with you and all the other donks. 1 of yall is gonna call with an Ace..no matter what! doesnt have to be pockets....cause ya love taking my chippies lol
answered Feb 7, 2016 by xxTaTTxx ( 2,186 points)
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If I get kings its a sure thing someones got aces
answered Feb 4, 2016 by actionjimbo ( 29,947 points)
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it don't matter because e-orr has ace rag & he be go'n all in so you're kk & or aa is no good ...........
answered Feb 4, 2016 by merkin8r ( 19,910 points)
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220 to 1 or .45% according to poker odds on hold em.
answered Nov 22, 2015 by cincymarty ( 1,551 points)