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What is the meaning of "old fart"?

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Im asking cuz an old fart is always calling me old fart.....eh eh eh

Give me your best shoot....

asked Nov 3, 2015 in Any Old Thing by nunoclix ( 32,974 points)

5 Answers

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Best answer

To find the answer to your question nuno, look up actionjimbo in the dictionary. smiley

answered Nov 3, 2015 by only1dani ( 30,314 points)
selected Nov 3, 2015 by nunoclix
sniff sniff you big meanie sniff sniff
You know what dani,  you right,  i found it and the meaning is really actionjimbo,  but i found one thing that i cant understand,  it was...... Dani feet ah ah ah.
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its a fart been around awhile ,and got airtime.
answered Nov 6, 2015 by chiptrouble ( 13,291 points)
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an offensive term for somebody, usually a person in authority, who is regarded as being set in his or her ways and lacking a sense of humor or fun

answered Nov 4, 2015 by fifty5056 ( 30,679 points)
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Ah ah ah i knew it that you would come here :)

answered Nov 3, 2015 by nunoclix ( 32,974 points)
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an "OLD FART" is so old that they creak when they walk,mumble when they talk,are dustier than chalk,and.........dang I need the poet to finish that one.
answered Nov 3, 2015 by actionjimbo ( 29,947 points)