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do you want a tournament that gives bc payout?, just like here,

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553 views asked Nov 2, 2015 in Poker by IIFlickaII ( 6,106 points)

5 Answers

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Great Question IIFlickaII , it has been brought up, discussed, and notes made on it in the past.  The major problem with that is it would have to be written into the software program.  It's not like we can just add it in the software easily, nor use the private section for it.  The software tech would have to go into the software,  write/rewrite codes for such a game. It is however still being tossed around as an idea, maybe in the future..

answered Nov 2, 2015 by kamraladympr ( 31,912 points)
selected Nov 2, 2015 by IIFlickaII
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I think it would be good for the players that have only joined or are low on freeds to be in with a chance of earning a few BC from a freeroll .As most games allow you to add them .Dont know how hard it would be for the site to get that running but there are other ways of geting bc like the sponsor offers ,And now this site too.
answered Nov 2, 2015 by drivninstructor ( 2,701 points)
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no,there are plenty of ways to get bc's if you want them.
answered Nov 2, 2015 by actionjimbo ( 29,947 points)
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I dont think so, i prefer FreeDs Payout because bc´s i can have them doing offers for free :)
answered Nov 2, 2015 by nunoclix ( 32,974 points)
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even if it had a entry fee,
answered Nov 2, 2015 by IIFlickaII ( 6,106 points)