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How did you all get addicted to Texas holdem?

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It is my favorite card game there is. I guess I got hooked when I got invited to an after work party many years ago and everyone was playing poker. I had no idea wth it was. I watched and it looked like everyone was having fun. It took me half an hour to get the basis of texas holdem that night and I won 30 dollars.
asked Jul 27, 2016 in Poker by zombified ( 20,824 points)
mine was game, chatting , found many friend and buddy, who is funny, and craziest....but respectfull :D also kind, moderator and admin so nice and kind...

plus easy to playing with games... :D

2 Answers

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was eazy peazy to play ,  if patient one can have tons o fun , n win , so eazy , all one has to do is pray cards in your favor  gl
answered Jul 29, 2016 by chiptrouble ( 13,291 points)
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Mine was less money and more hormone related....strip poker, but always an excuse to bail out before it got good, nonetheless it had me trying to win :)

Unfortunately I've never gotten past the teenage boy stage and still play an overly aggressive and undisciplined game!
answered Jul 28, 2016 by Poqery ( 88,068 points)