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who is captain america anyway?

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i dont read marvel comics a lot
asked Nov 10, 2015 in Help Me Please! by camui123 ( 20,983 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer
Captain America first appeared in march 1941(after Pearl Harbour & US entering the war )  in the Timely Comics illustrated books ( later to become Marvel ) in his own special edition Captain America #1 . He is a patriotic super soldier fighting the Axis powers 'n armies , especially Nazis , injustice & general evil doers , his real name is Steve Rogers who after failing the military induction phyisicals (several times) voluntered to project rebirth to take a experimental serum designed to create better stronger smarter soldiers needed for WW2. The experiment was a success but the scierntest who created it was killed leaving incomplete notes on how to replicate the formula so he was the one & only Captain America   . He was the most popular Comic character thru out the war years.
answered Nov 10, 2015 by SurfRat ( 7,910 points)
selected Nov 17, 2015 by camui123
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ActionJimbo is cap[tain america but keep it quiet it is a secret cool

answered Nov 10, 2015 by lady_blue ( 20,956 points)
edited Nov 10, 2015 by lady_blue
blabber mouth